And Jesus Increased in Wisdom and Stature
Four Sundays in May of 1961 were set aside for centennial celebrations. The final service focused on the dedication of the pioneer memorial window presented by the congregation. The guest speaker at the service was Reverend Dr. Long, Secretary of the General Council of the United Church of Canada.
In 1861, the first religious service was held in Bracebridge (then called North Falls) by Rev. J. Kerr, a Wesleyan Methodist minister from Orillia. Rev. Kerr rode on horseback from Orillia and continued to do so until Rev. George McNamara, also a Wesleyan Methodist minister, was appointed to this mission.
The services were held in private homes and it was in 1868 or 1869 that two lots were purchased for $50 with permanent structures in mind. At that time, a contract had been let to build a frame parsonage within one year. With $300 still owing on the parsonage, the congregation engaged a builder to complete a frame church on the other lot. The building project was hampered before the roof was completed when a storm blew the whole structure down. The builders persisted and two months and three days later, the lovely little Gothic frame church was dedicated on December 11, 1870. (Our present structure was built 18 years later.)
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Bracebridge United Church
46 Dominion Street
Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 2A5
Office Hours
Monday ~ Thursday 10:00am -2:00pm
Bracebridge United Church